Wrapping up MangaCrazy

Hi fellow manga readers and lovers,

It is with a heavy heart that I announce that I will not be supporting MangaCrazy anymore. I have come to this conclusion after two years of declaring that I will release further versions, and not delivering. I haven’t been able to give this project time, and I realized I probably will not be able to any time soon.

Mangacrazy came to being as an experiment to counter slow Internet speed in early 2010’s, and as an opportunity to learn Java through an actual implementation. When I got a working version and just uploaded here, a no-name blog with no sponsors, I didn’t think it will reach many, or any, people. Putting out versions was just a way to talk about my learning experience as I kept working at the code, and the very first comments and feedbacks touched me beyond words. It was amazing to know that people actually found this blog, this little piece of software, and that it actually helped them! Through comments and feedbacks I got to know what they liked, what they didn’t. And I don’t know how it happened, but all of a sudden it all snowballed and I started getting mindblowing traffic! Monetizing that traffic was never on my mind, it was just overwhelming reading actual ‘customer reviews’. And it made me want to stay in this field forever. As a developer, there is nothing more gratifying than people using your software. The lines of codes transforming people’s lives, the ultimate pipe dream I wish to live by.

You know your software has lost its edge when you yourself don’t use it anymore, and that has happened with Mangacrazy. Internet isn’t inaccessible anymore. Smartphones and tablets now have apps for this and are more portable. The problem that MangaCrazy was uniquely solving, isn’t valid anymore. It is time to search for a new problem to solve, and learn something different in the process.

Thank you for liking Mangacrazy through its evolution. It is incredible to still see comments asking for the next version, and cheering me on. Thank you for your support. If you found this blog today for the first time, thank you for stopping by. This is the official end of MangaCrazy, and it has been an amazing ride.



P.S. If for nostalgia’s sake or out of curiosity you are wish to read the story of how this came to be, you may be interested in the posts of this series: Manga-Crazy: A History.  🙂

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